Krisztina Hirth 0:00
I have the right to be happy in the moment if I'm not happy at the company anymore for any reason, because I bought, so I don't learn anything new, it is nothing challenging, it is not funny, or just all of these are happening, but I don't get along with with the people, I am not happy, then resign, resign and find another job and never go for the money. And never go for the money in my first company Munich. I said, Okay, I want to get in at any price. And then I will see, I will prove and get a salary of 50% in the first year. Wow. It works. Because quality says you know, we know from EPA from Steve Jobs, it is not a question of quality or speed is only with quality. You get what what you want. This is the only way. So do your work really, totally. And invest time and enjoy without enjoying it. Nothing will happen and you won't be happy. And you don't need to leave it yourself yourself. I have no idea what I will do in one year, and I really don't care. Because I want to have fun.

Tim Bourguignon 1:18
Hello, and welcome to developer's journey, the podcast bringing you the making of stories of successful software developers to help you on your upcoming journey. I'm your host team building. On this episode I received Christina. Christina has been working in our industry for two decades, always looking for the right way to build reliable, resilient and expandable software. She's self described as coding architect on the yellow brick road journey. Hope you have the reference pen it was books, people, Lucky chances, learnings, ha moments, communities, and of course, a lot of fun. And we've been laughing for the past 20 minutes. So I hope it's going to be the sign of the day, Christina. Welcome. Good afternoon.

Krisztina Hirth 2:04
Hello, everyone. I'm still laughing.

Tim Bourguignon 2:08
This is a good thing. This is a good thing. But before we come to your story, I want to thank the terrific listeners who support the show every month, you are keeping the Destiny lights up. If you would like to join this fine crew and help me spend more time on finding phenomenal guests then editing audio tracks, please go to our website, Dev journey dot info and click on the Support me on Patreon button. Even the smallest contributions are giant steps toward a sustainable dev journey. journey. Thank you. And now back to today's guest. Interesting. Yeah, as you know, the show exists to help listeners understand what your story look like and imagine how to shape their own future. So as as usual on this show, let's go back to your beginnings. Where would you place the start of your tech journey?

Krisztina Hirth 3:00
This is a hard and easy question at the same moment. The moment it was when I the first time I used, I think PHP to display the time on the website and a locally hosted lamp website. And I saw that changing. And then I said, Oh, if I can do this, I can do everything. Because it is a website that is just I can send you the URL. And then you can see my time. So instantly, I could share this with everyone on the world. But my mother who asked a lot of time, what are you doing? Exactly? I are doing that Chinese stuff. No, I'm not doing what pictures image? What are you doing? And I couldn't explain to us why I do the internet. You don't see you click here. This is not what I am doing. But what happens after you click there. This is what time Okay, let's stick with the Internet. I think this was the moment where I got caught completely. Until now. I never created a desktop form. I sucked at that. I never was able to create anything desktop thing. But the internet is the land of all possibilities. And we know that now.

Tim Bourguignon 4:32
But your journey toward development started before that, but you didn't feel completely hooked until then.

Krisztina Hirth 4:40
Oh my this was in the second or third week of my training. Okay, so before my whole journey, actually, the first 18 years it started behind the Iron curtains in Romania. So I had a wonderful childhood to build terrible adulthood because you knew with 18 How you will end it was this I thought a lot about what was the worst thing in communities and the absolute knowledge what you will do you you knew exactly what will be your your salary, you will have one or two kids. Maybe after 13 years you will set yours we will be able to buy a car. If you are lucky, it would work that the car and if not then not. And that's it. This was like it was pre pre planned. The biggest terrible part of communist was that you knew exactly before. This is new. There wasn't any any options. There wasn't any options open you. Oh, and you know, you can visit the three other communist countries every second year if you're lucky. And the other the other years you make holidays in the mountains. That's it. So

Tim Bourguignon 6:06
Wow. Okay.

Krisztina Hirth 6:09
It took some time to realize what was the biggest problem arrow pain and this is this was nobody knew exactly how we will no. No surprises in life.

Tim Bourguignon 6:23
I don't want to date you but how old were you roughly when the the curtain fail? At 18. Okay,

Krisztina Hirth 6:29
I was on the street and I worked I worked for six months in a freight factory. Work man, I got the place and like the salary but in communities, nobody was unemployed. This was done. Everybody was employed. Okay, maybe 500 kilometers away from home or wherever, but you were employed. I didn't do anything. I repaired hairdressers and mortars out all kinds of, of smaller models mottos. So it was this is where I learned that my biggest fear in life is to be bought. It was a huge lesson. Because I was it was terrible. Boring. You were looking at the clock, feeling fit, like the whole life waiting to be like to be able to go home. So it was the lesson of my life. Never be bought. And this is I think this is why I went to it. And never my whole life. I was bought two days. And then I resigned because I was watching today's YouTube videos. And I realized, no, this is not it. And I was like okay, and I'm gonna do the same thing twice. By the way, estimations and story points. So no thing like repeating stuff. I never repeated the same. We never repeat

Tim Bourguignon 8:10
the perfect industry for you. Did you did you? I want to I wanted to say reconvert. But change gears start learning at 18 say okay, now I'm gonna go into this direction. How did you decide? How did you figure out that this was an opportunity

Krisztina Hirth 8:28
between this path and the other path I was I observed at the University of Mechanical Engineering. I'm actually actually a mechanical engineer, specialized in trains. Not the upper part. But the back end. Everything was below the axis. Trains are just crazy thing. And Vegas. You know that in the 70s there was one good attempt to create airborne records on air cushions, okay. Yeah. And it worked. It was perfect. This was this is a very good lesson in it too. But they never knew how to stop it.

Tim Bourguignon 9:19
That's a big problem.

Krisztina Hirth 9:21
successful operation the patient died because it is not enough to build something or to create something if tomorrow. It gets out of out of control. This is the story of my career.

Tim Bourguignon 9:36
I was playing was Chet GPT an hour ago. Let's hope it doesn't go this way.

Tim Bourguignon 9:45
When when the robots become sentient, and we don't know how to stop them, that will be up already to say I told you so.

Krisztina Hirth 9:53
I think we know I want because I stopped telling this but I think we are in the Middle, I think we let the ghost out of the bottle. And we are not wealthy. We are not there yet. We can't. We are not even able to read the book. But we want to use and appreciate and understand these answers. These answers are mostly very superficial, making the impression that it is correct. Stack Overflow. It's very helpful but copying copy pasting stuff, it's never helpful. Now we have this in a master class, faster and more elegant manner. And we will I don't think it will go well, mostly because of the people who are behind it. Okay, well named Peter Thiel. This is the one scary guy was killing me completely. But we jumped now

Tim Bourguignon 11:01
we have let's backtrack. Then.

Krisztina Hirth 11:04
I went to the University of technical mechanical engineering, but I I made my first money there with it. We had basic not Visual Basic, but basic basic, with line numbers, where you will learn very fast what it means thinking in the future, do not write your lines without letting gaps between the numbers because the factoring means you need to add numbers in between if you didn't talk about the future you're okay you do this once

Tim Bourguignon 11:47
you have to find all your go twos and change the numbers behind it.

Krisztina Hirth 11:51
This was boring again. So what do we do we think ahead and let numbers let's fiber steps or something. And this was basic, and I liked it a lot. Oh, my first informatic classes were without computer because it was a 90 directly after after the communists had fallen and we didn't get the computers they were sponsored. We just paper paper and black table. And then we imagined what the hell is Winchester I were thinking for weeks what is a Winchester? Because it was just storytelling. We couldn't imagine what the hell is. One month came the first computer Wow, Netscape and DOS and not Netscape, what was it? Something with and not on command? Who I think not that it's before everybody who's listening. Very early stage, but then you understand what this does? And what the how fi system is working? I forgot what is of interest? I think it was the one before how do I have something so something like this. I don't know why the name is interested. And we didn't have mouse or something. We didn't have the mouse. It wasn't very visual, just list. But I was fascinated. And then a colleague of why he created a company and universities was just to have the degree and had no interest and no idea and he paid me to to make his basic projects and an Italian swim bath. So this was the PE and I had it for 10 years. So it was a very good investment of feet of him and it was it before even I was dreaming about I never thought about it. In Romania, the it was very high level and it was very, very hard to get in. So so two people for the whole country. Well, okay, and and yeah, and the, the school level was it's much, much higher than in Western Europe. Now we are at the same level. But earlier, it was really very, very high what I learned in let's call it ninth or 10th class had people here in Germany at the university. This was the level of of school. So it was really high and almost impossible to getting in the IT university so I didn't even try. But I've been to machine engineering and it was cool. Because I learned so the second thing what describes me learning I thought a job should not be boring and I should be able to learn everyday something and this is it. You have to learn one advice someone does not want to learn but Should I know something and use it for life? Don't go to it. No.

Tim Bourguignon 15:07
No, I remember, I took the exam to become to take the German citizenship a few years ago. And the last step of the exam was a face to face conversation with another student. And the subject was lifelong learning. And so we had two roles to play, one was supposed to advocate for lifelong learning, and the other one was supposed to be against. And thankfully, we picked the right one. Because I have no idea what I could have said about the other one. So I had a lifelong learner and it was easy. It was just coming out of my heart. Do you like I had some trouble? But yeah, this is the industry for that. This is definitely the industry. Okay, so your mechanical engineer, your programming basic, having a lot of fun. Would you go from there?

Tim Bourguignon 16:02
My No. Worked one year as a mechanical engineer, it was the same as before, but with the higher salary. It was just boring. I read the paper the whole day. But I finished two export projects. One was six year old and an eight year old, which wasn't export the project, rollout project, I was in Project mode or something. And I learned to talk with men who were saying, Christina, we knew since you were a kid, my father, my father was a manager there. And I took them after I was counting on the 10. Okay, fine. But have you did your work yesterday, what we discussed what professionals or so working in a huge factory 2000 People actually, it was boring, and it wasn't helpful. And I met Oh, and because I was bored. I had a second job with this colleague with this company. And they did everything with computer, anything, everything from excess excess printing, salaries, whatever anything was one could do with computer but it's still as just a self learn learning thing. And then I met my husband. And he he was living in Germany. And for one reason or another, we never thought about staying in Romania. So I left with 27 came here, and then started life again. I only knew about German. I don't know why. But I started learning German because I was born six months ago before I met him. I have no idea why this is why I've told you before I don't see patterns I can I still don't understand why I started doing German and how it came that I met him after a few months. Everything is just happening somehow, somehow, kind of karma, timing of good decisions. But I couldn't know before. So I don't know. This the pattern in my life decided things and after that they happened. And it's just the right time timing.

Tim Bourguignon 19:09
I read the book, I can't find the title right now. But you just basically speaking about luck. And putting this in a different perspective saying that you have to stretch your hand for luck to to be reachable. And so basically, a lot of things that we see as as potential consequences or potential, completely random events. I actually ask preparing for something and then being able to grasp it. And this is something we couldn't do before. And I've tried to to observe the world with this goggles for a while and it's very true, how you start doing something and then suddenly you realize something is happening that couldn't be there before, but it was it was just not graspable. And it's weird to think about this way, but

Tim Bourguignon 19:56
I do the same. I try to force the things you In the in a pattern in, in something made on purpose, but I couldn't. I didn't know that I will my team. So it was just that I surely didn't know that we get married after six months. He asked me after three days and get married after six months, this was 25 years ago. Well I know this and he surely not because then he would have avoided for this meeting. No, I don't know why. I am sure I'm someone who must decide before because life is really can be beautiful. If we take care of it. So but this thing learning German, it was just an idea because I was bored. I had a friend who knew German. Oh. And he's my husband speaks Romanian too. So we didn't need it. It wasn't okay, but there are a lot of things which are happening and we helped with happening and I'm absolutely agree. Luck is just lying on the seat. We should or not it's like other seat but luck is there. We shouldn't be the two must recognize it. This is the second advice. Everything what you can learn everything you can but don't let lucky opportunities. Options. Just like because you'll never know. In the I never know what happens.

Tim Bourguignon 21:40
Okay, so you grasp that chance? Or move to Germany. Yeah. Start your life again. I think that's the word the

Krisztina Hirth 21:48
Yeah, exactly. Everything. I mean, I had I tell him sometimes if he's annoying me, I had friends, two jobs, a happy life. And then I come to Germany. No language, no money. Someone who put everything on me a lot of tasks and responsibility. And the German happy bureaucracy to hire a woman as an engineer? Well, yeah, again, it wasn't my choice. They decided that they don't care about my engineering degree. And I didn't care either. Because I actually didn't want it. I wanted something with math. Mathematics were always things from the from the fifth class, I knew I want to do something with math. In my first my last class at the University, first last exam. It was I was done in 40 minutes. And I was really angry to my professor because it was so easy. It is the last exam I can ever have in my life in mathematics. And then it's so easy. It's not.

Tim Bourguignon 22:58
Did I answer you? Well, when you move to Germany, your degree your Romanian degree in mechanical engineering was not recognized.

Krisztina Hirth 23:05
It was recognized but nobody hired me. Okay, because

Tim Bourguignon 23:09
it was from from the companies it was not recognized as

Krisztina Hirth 23:13
women in technique in Germany. Deutsche Bahn, though I was really very close to one I had one interview and we were eight. I was the only one from this excellent expertise. The rest was physicians, mathematicians, whatever. After huge accident after after I shudder it was the biggest accident in German railways, I think, historic. And we wanted to create a commission to not allow this happen again. Why it happened is another story was my first article was translated, it was really terrible. The reason, human reasons. And they it went to two positions. And they decided not even to invite me to the second interview. So this was for me. It wasn't really my decision. It was their decision. And for me, it was I closed subject, the topic of I really didn't want it to do it. I didn't see myself working of fabric industry. talking bullshit every day and convincing men that they still need to listen to what they I'm so happy. It was the best decision ever. Because all my friends are engineers in and I listen to them to go into this meeting and that meeting? No. No software engineering is the best thing ever. Me in a factory was very good. And then my husband said okay, what you should do. I worked one year to get the right to get the training. After one year, learning the language when you are working some stupid jobs doesn't matter because I wanted to help this one year and then training and then my husband said anything with computer, you can take any single computer, it will be a future. This is how it started. He said anything with computer? He's a network administrator, or was it? No, it's project management. So he's on the dark side of computing. I think this is the most boring part talking about networks and TCP. And he's also not nothing. So how it scored the seven levels? Yeah, really?

Tim Bourguignon 25:45
Some people like it.

Krisztina Hirth 25:48
I don't know why I never understood why. But I got that school. Again, I was very disappointed because I finished the test in time and key and now and then I found out it is usually it is not expected that you finish the test. Why? Why do you give me a test if you're not expected to efficient? was fine. I suppose again, I could have not done half of the class where everybody was from different different professions. And half of them were from Germany, careers or, or people learning new job, nurses and so on. And the other half was from foreigners like me, with the degree. So it was a very diverse, very mixed thing. And I think only the only fee of out of 24 remained in it. Oh, the rest? I don't think so. Because this was in 2000 2000 2003. And then we finished and basically it was the biggest unemployment season ever. So when I started it was enough to know where is the button of how to turn on a computer. And when I finished I was unemployed for two years. Wow. So then I did project so my husband he helped he was in Lotus Notes. Lotus Notes, please don't plan is one of the biggest inventions ever. Until today, the most secure software architecture, unbeatable. It can you can program it in three languages, inbuilt you can do with what you want, or people not knowing it current, but this is not a problem because of the problem with how we learn to use things. So I love it. Training in that six months, and then my husband did some some project work was at Siemens for micro exchanges something like this. So in a company you have something to sell or to to give a gift and or exchange exchange market. I think it was exchanged back. And it was done with Lotus Notes with about 30 lines of code. And then they had to turn out of Lotus Notes and then I don't I am rebuilt it in PHP in a month because I was bought million lines of code is not a genius thing. A lot of lines of code just to create the top down and the kind of, of compensation Have you learned a lot learned a lot of JavaScript and PHP difference between website rendering. There wasn't such thing like server rendering. And it was everything was so funny. But all these sitting at home I even tried to set my own to be sent self employed and create a kind of newsletter for everybody for doctors on people around who had small companies but had no idea for computers to create websites, and this was 10 years before one and one started the same job. You have no Shopify and all these not like this, but I was too early. Nobody. I had one one contract. So it was okay.

Tim Bourguignon 29:52
When did you decide? Or did you apply during the time or

Krisztina Hirth 29:55
we did everything every day all day but Again, luck versus I'm not sure if this is luck. But it was still I didn't have the German citizenship just but at a minimum, and after three years, I was really desperate. I didn't know what to do. And I said, Okay, go back to the university. I don't know what to do. And then I had the right to apply for the German citizenship. I changed it, I changed. I got the citizenship and I put it on my CV. And one week later, I had a job on. It is not provable. It has something to do with it. But until now, nobody could convince me that it has.

Tim Bourguignon 30:41
Yeah, you saw it in my reaction that the link was obvious. them, okay.

Krisztina Hirth 30:47
I don't know. Because I was twice, interviewing this company in the first time, I was almost hired. And then they hired another guy. And then we went, we lived in Switzerland for six months, because my husband got a consultant job there. The best time of my life, I thank them for six years that they didn't hired me because it was everyday was holiday, it was really excellent. going swimming, trying to understand the streets people doing really nothing important it was, it was wonderful, six months of holiday. And if they would have hired me, I did never had this six months of my life. And then I came back and I saw they they agreed I changed my citizenship. And then I saw they had the same job proposition. And I was so angry, I just sent a, we talked last year, I don't send you any papers anymore. So you still have interest. And then I was hired one week later. And I need I need two days to find out who was like, Who was the guy who hired who they hired me instead of me. And another week to tell my CTO, okay, you see what he's doing. And you see now what I'm doing. And now think about it, you hire a team. The guy was playing war of weather forecasts. Okay, so I said, Okay, I don't even need to tell you anything anymore. Because you get your price. So you pay the price. You could fire me one year ago, they were really very nice people. And I learned very much at the company in Munich for the company in Munich. So I could not say they were anything Glass Steagall, something it was just I don't know why. I don't know what has changed. There's one line saying German citizenship. No idea.

Tim Bourguignon 32:56
Let's hope it wasn't the reason. And

Krisztina Hirth 32:59
I don't care if they paid the price, because they had this guy for one year. And after that they had me for six years. I wasn't six years there. And we created great stuff. We started, we started with LSP classic. And then this was the company where the first time I heard about a community and the CTO we were very, we got very, we understood each other very, very well. And we worked the whole time together and created the blog went to these communities and it never stopped since then, this was another significant fork to help to get went to the first open space of my life. And since then, I still never go to conferences. If only if I'm speaking at conferences, but not as a listener, I go to Kandinsky, Kandinsky is the only German conference where you can have a discussion it is not a frontal. Again, I'm sorry men with very nicely dressed and frontally talking to you or to someone, it is a conversation. It is an exchange. It is a real community feeling. And this is what I got from open spaces and everyone who is listening, if you heard about open space, just go the best place

Tim Bourguignon 34:29
open space be in the conference format where the the program is not predefined by the committee or by the organizers, but people come and define what they want to talk about together. And so exactly an unconference format, the conference

Krisztina Hirth 34:44
is happening on the floor, bound to nothing it is really someone gives you the gift of place and time and then you do the best out of it. You can of course do nothing and then you've wasted your time. But you can Everything I learned, we went with this company all for four or five developers. And we went to this first open, open space, and learned in two days. ASP dotnet, including how to test and I write on paper and went back and we create, we work to create the new portal in ASP. Net by getting the book back and getting these notes. And every day, a chapter. And after six months, we had a portal for job, job applications. Betting ASP dotnet and learn all this in an open space in a room, and the guy, one of my first significant persons, besides the secure was this guy called Albert. He's the dotnet user group. He was the dotnet user group owner in Cologne. And so he was explained this, or this was recorded at the Albert Hall, sitting there twice, eight hours, and we learned ASP dotnet in this open space. They took the paper that my my notes six months later, oh, what is he said something about this testing how it is scored and how everything I learned everything. Someone said, meant mentioned the word DVD and Eric Evans, if this was 2007, and the book came out two years before years later, I this guy is definitely so he's one of the Clean Code formerly known clean code community in Germany. And he's he's one of go on tour. They never knew that I moved to Colorado. So these both guys are from Cologne, and I'm living in Kelowna. Since then, we never met. I told him, You mentioned this book. And you said, Oh, hopefully everybody reads this book. And he said, he never mentioned this. And I read the book. And since then I am hooked in domain driven design. I don't understand how to build code differently. And he said he can't remember it yet another random thing, which changed my life. The book is actually now this is my life completely. myself my company, because they have

Tim Bourguignon 37:42
you mentioned or I mentioned reading your bio at the beginning that you were coding architect? Would you mind explaining a little bit on that? What do you mean by this just the juxtaposition of the two words.

Krisztina Hirth 37:55
In all these years, let's put it differently at the beginning on my bio, but what you learned on my blog, it said, I want to understand how to write the code. After two years, I understood okay, what is syntax, how it works, how to write software, but how the hell keep it working. So just yesterday, I realized this is actually what architecture is thinking in time thinking about the future, having this dimension of of time time and change the rate of change. This was the definition of grow Hopper thinking rate of change. And this is it came directly after I understood, I realized, okay, you have different languages, but they are just the same. You learn the syntax, you have different types, like functional or object oriented, but then the rest is the same, the syntax is different, the concepts are always the same. So you got that you can write code, but this code, it's getting broken. Even if you don't touch it, it is the only thing I know in life which is getting broken without touching it. Because all the words around our systems are changing all the time and the last 10 years are changing extremely fast. And don't say GPT now because this won't help change even it will change even faster. So it will all our code will get broken even faster because everything around changes. Now we got earlier you will be needed to pay for infrastructure. We had constraints because it was expensive. Now it is so cheap that we got don't get enough to scale stuff we need to scale. We open the door we need to scale stuff because people can reach us so And oh, these are architectural topics I learned yesterday, I was always like this, I always wanted to know, okay, how to make it sustainable. And let's build something, but it should work forever. It isn't. The perfect code is not what works today was what it works. It can't be broken by people because they are writing they are changing it, get the spaghetti code. So the perfect code for me is not a function it is something which does not get muddy, which is terribly hard to do. Indeed. So I never wanted to not quote, I love coding. But at the same time, these topics, these problems must be searched. And this is, for me, a coding architect, someone who, in software, developing software, but also had the head of an architect the responsibility or the ownership or recognize at least that there is such a thing like architecture and thinks about this.

Tim Bourguignon 41:10
Okay, how do you avoid being pushed toward noncoding architecture then?

Krisztina Hirth 41:16
I can't because this is what I am now since seven months. Yeah, exactly. It is really. Last September, or summer, I took a decision to go either. I couldn't know. Again, it's it's this the end of the story, the beginning of the story. It's very long, and I think I don't Oh, yeah. So but after six years Munich, in Excel 2010, we moved to Cologne, nine years, ecommerce. I love the company, I learned and change the everything what I coded and then changed. And then the short story long, I left after nine years. And since then I'm looking for my home, home ship, ship. And after six months even insurance company. It worked perfectly, it was great. I learned a lot. But the six months ended with this two days of looking at YouTube videos and designing. And then another software house. And then the last time the startup in Berlin, I decided I can't stay in the German industry anymore, because it is either too too young. Usually three or four guys founding a company but never worked before, anywhere. And then it is a huge clash. If the if the mindset in the culture is not right on the huge clash between I am owning this company, but I have no idea and no experience. And I would like to tell you how to do this, but you don't. So last year for some reason or another. This was the first time that I proposed the talk to the Europe no actually is not true. The reason was, I wanted to meet all my friends who I never I didn't. Part of them I never met because of Corona. And part of them I met two or three years ago, and they wanted to meet them and I didn't want to make to bargain for the money. And I could not afford the Euro because who can. So I propose the talk a workshop actually election. And for the biggest surprise of my life, I was accepted. And I went there and during this time I got connected, contacted by payforit French company. And I had so much fun during the interviews that I said yes. But the position is stuff architect is never knew what the stuff is. I still don't know because my way to work. But I don't get to code. So the first couple of weeks. I even deleted some code and I created some tests and I made my opinion about TypeScript and classes are now I confirm my opinion. We should never did this. Add Classes to TypeScript because it's not Jas is not an object. Not a class thing. Okay, but he did. Well, someone did some of that. But I don't I don't get to code. So I'm trying to getting back. Time to find my way back to coding. It we probably will in some code reviewing ending Getting coding. But at the moment I am writing this elevator, not the one from GEICO hopping up and down. But the one from the Lexus, how it is called the book. Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. This elevator, I have this elevator in my mind since days, because it's going in all directions. And with all speed, you never know it. And so at some point, I will get back to coding, we just need to not forget too much until then

Tim Bourguignon 45:35
knocking on wood for you, but

Krisztina Hirth 45:39
I don't know who wants to work with me, because now I'm through this elevator thing. They just know me like, Oh, she's coming into speaking about DDD, and so on. But it doesn't matter. But my last company, I was the only developer so I know exactly what full stack developer I mean.

Tim Bourguignon 45:58
Just for reference, the the book you're mentioning the, from Google hopper is the and basically describing the architect as a person writing in every level of the company being able to talk the lingo of the CEO, and metaphorically go down to the basement and talk to you at the same level as the people being there and stuff at every level of the of the the building, and being able to talk and be understood there. And so that's that's the the the crux of the architecture, being to being everywhere at the same time, and you're describing a different dimension, going up and down, but left and right as well in

Krisztina Hirth 46:42
this is a company of 1000 people, my last company, we were 12

Tim Bourguignon 46:46
different dimensions.

Krisztina Hirth 46:50
Everything is different, that the time is flowing differently, everything is different. I'm someone who lives they want to discuss something want to get an agreement or gotten action items and then doing it try to do this 1000 people

Tim Bourguignon 47:06
it's a different beast. Because you know, it's it's fantastic. Everything we were just scratching the surface and we could dwell on architecture for a while. But this is on time box. I haven't advised you to to ask you still. You've done quite a few times this rethinking yourself starting new and starting, what is what is the thing that you will advocate or advise somebody who is facing that kind of problematic saying, Hey, I have to reinvent myself?

Krisztina Hirth 47:37
Actually, I want law I differently. I didn't, I started calling it the law. I have the right to be happy in the moment if I'm not happy at the company anymore for any reason, because I bought so I don't learn anything new, it is nothing challenging. It is not fun at all, just all of these are happening but I don't get along with with the people. I'm not happy, then resign, resign and find another job and never go for the money. I never go for the money in my first company Munich. I said okay, I want to get in at any price. And then I will see I will prove and get a salary replacement of 50% in the first year. Wow. It works. Because quality says you know, we know from Apple from Steve Jobs, it is not a question of quality or speed. It's only with quality. You get what what you want. This is the only way. So do your work really, totally. And invest time and enjoy without enjoying it. Nothing will happen and you won't be happy. And you don't need to leave at yourself yourself. I have no idea what I will do in one year and I really don't care. Because I want to have fun.

Tim Bourguignon 49:05
I love this philosophy. Thank you so much. You have the right to be happy. Never go for the money and look for happiness. And that's it. Thank you so fantastic. Where would be the best place to continue this discussion with you

Krisztina Hirth 49:20
on Mastodon, I was I can think a lot of Vita one of the biggest boosts of my life meeting persons like JB and discussing how to buy sour cream in Romania real life Twitter ink from a shop you know how it is called you know many other thing and then which le should I go real story. It was Twitter but I left within the summer my receivables account but I don't use it. So master them is the same yellow brick master the social accounting. You find the addresses on my blog Because of losing Twitter, sometimes I communicate on LinkedIn but not really. And the rest we've tried to add anytime you have we had the last open space one week ago with on our open spaces and we have some sessions so on DDD Europe this year again, and I hope in Scotland, Scotland, if they accept me, I hope they are listening. And this is my goal.

Tim Bourguignon 50:31
Let's hope they're listening. I have Christina, I'll add all the links to the show notes. Thank you so much for bringing this this door onto your life. And it's been really insightful. Thank you so much. Thank you. And this has been another episode of developer's journey, and we'll see each other next week. Bye bye. Thanks a lot for tuning in. I hope you have enjoyed this week's episode. If you like the show, please share rate and review. It helps more listeners discover stories. You can find the links to all the platforms to show appears on on our website, Dev journey dot info, slash subscribe. Creating the show every week takes a lot of time, energy, and of course money. Will you please help me continue bringing out those inspiring stories every week by pledging a small monthly donation, you'll find our patreon link at Dev journey dot info slash donate. And finally don't hesitate to reach out and tell me how this week story is shaping your future. You can find me on Twitter at @timothep ti m o t h e p corporate email info at Dev journey dot info talk to you soon